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2nd Album




アルバムのタイトルにもなっている2曲めのIntimidationでは、ジャズSAX奏者のHiroyuki Nakanishi さん、9曲目のBlue Lines では、ジャズギタリストのTomo Koitabashiさんのクールな演奏が入っています。ぜひ聴いてください!

This is Jemsilica's second album! It is a mix of speedy songs and loose chill-out songs.

The second track, Intimidation, which is also the title of the album, includes an aggressive performance by jazz saxophone player Hiroyuki Nakanishi, and the ninth track, Blue Lines, includes a cool performance by jazz guitarist Tomo Koitabashi. Would you please listen to these songs?


1曲目 Nopperabou 




I reached the starting line in search of a new world, and now I have no face with only ears. From now on, I will walk, run, and rest.

When my eyes, nose and mouth gradually come on, I want to look around the world, smell good smells, and eat a lot of delicious food.

2曲目    Intimidation(feat.Hiroyuki Nakanishi)

アルバムタイトルにもなっている曲。いろいろなことに対して我慢ばかりしていられない、という気持ちを表現。日本語では、威嚇という意味があります。曲中のサックスの演奏は、Hiroyuki Nakanishiさん。とてもアグレッシブな演奏をしていただきました!

Intimidation, which is also the title of the album. It expresses the feeling that I can't just stand up to various things.

The saxophone is played by Hiroyuki Nakanishi.

3曲目   Another Face


An unusual face that occasionally appears. Both are true self.

4曲目   閃輝暗点 


Scintillating scotoma / The light of the scintillating scotoma that comes as a notice before a painful migraine. I tried to make that jagged and round shape into a song.

5曲目 Uranus



Unlike Saturn, Uranus has a vertical ring. Uranus is called a star of reform, revolution, and originality.

6曲目 Tocoshie


*日本書紀「等虚辞陪(トコシヘ)に 君も逢へやも いさな取り 海の浜藻の 寄る時々を」

とこしへ は、永久に という意味があります

この思いとは別に、自宅近くにある、Cafe Tocoche  をイメージしました。オシャレで寛げる空間。ひとりでコーヒーを飲みながら、物思いにふけるのもまたよろし、です。

I hope the unchanging feelings within me will last for a long time.

I imagined Cafe Tocoche near my home. There is a stylish and relaxing space. It's also good to be pensive while drinking coffee alone.

7曲目  高貴で感傷的なワルツ


Arrange the songs of Ravel, the great French composer I love, like a broken toy.

8曲目    Sister’s Toy



9曲目   Blue Lines(feat.Tomo Koitabashi)

もともと歌詞があり、歌モノとして作っていた曲でしたが、今回はインストバージョンで。若き日の、迷いのある自分。未来に向けての曲。曲中のクールなギター演奏は、Tomo Koitabashiさん。

A song with the image that “a toy robot doll that I thought was broken suddenly started to move one day! After that, it stopped moving again for a while, and finally only one leg of it started to move”.

The children's voices you hear in the song are the childhood voice of me who composed the song and my sister's childhood.

Originally, the song had the lyrics and was made as a song, but this time it's an instrumental version.

A young, confused self. A song for the future.

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